"Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits." - Thomas Jefferson, Third President of the United States (April 13, 1743 - July 4, 1826)
I spent some time soul searching for proper thoughts on this subject, and I'm likely to alienate some people by what I am about to write. Please remember this disclaimer when you begin to read this blog: we are protected by the First Amendment (for the time being, anyway), and although I may not agree with your views and sentiments, you are still my friend, no less and no more. Please offer me the same consideration . . .
Freedom isn't free. Simply put, our Country is at stake and at a crossroads right now. I'm talking about the Democrats, the Republicans, the Libertarians and the members of the Tea Party: we as AMERICANS are at the fork in the road. This is no one's fault, and it's everyone's fault, for we get what we vote for. Examples: 1). Our National Debt is at a point that we will NEVER be able to repay it or pay it down (to China and to other foreign countries that have purchased our Debt); 2). Our willingness to tax, tax, tax - and spend, spend, spend. It's not sustainable (even President Obama has been on record stating that fact, agree or disagree); 3). The stifling of small businesses to grow and create new jobs: Banks will simply not lend to them even though Major Banking Institutions received bailout after bailout; 4). "Pork projects" that seem to be attached to EACH BILL on BOTH sides of the political spectrum to satisfy Special Interest Needs (do we really need a "worm crossing" for $3M?); and 5). The double standard that's in place now, as our Congressmen and Political Leaders cannot seem to realize that there is a world out there beyond the Washington DC Beltway, and it is NOT a fantasy world like they experience. Ever wonder why it is that MOST Politicians have never been Business Owners or Business Leaders who had someone else to answer to? As unusual a candidate as Ross Perot was in 1992 (the one that is considered the "wild card" that ultimately sunk George Bush 41's re-election bid, since no candidate has over 50% of the vote), where would we be today if indeed we elected a successful Business Owner like Perot?
I have had the pleasure of working for the "Man" (and BEING the "Man") in my 28 Years in IT Senior/Executive Manager, and I have had a Board of Directors to answer to more than once. If you are not profitable, you're replaced. Plain and simple. WE are the "Board of Directors" of the United States of America, yet we are not listened to (check the Real Clear Politics Average on ALL the issues and legislation over the past 19 months). Why? When did we become insignificant except for the period of 2-3 months leading up to an election, such as the coming Mid-Term Elections on November 2nd?
Ask those who lived in Poland prior to September 1, 1939, or in Austria before being annexed in 1938. Ask those who lived in Thailand prior to January 1942. Ask those who lived in Berlin after WW2, only to be split down the middle officially on August 13, 1961 (which happened to be my 3rd Birthday - useless trivia I'm sure). In the USA, the term "freedom" is thrown around so cheaply, that we don't realize what oppression is, because we haven't experienced it since the end of the Revolutionary War. That's why the Constitution is SO important, and the Bill of Rights that is the CORNERSTONE of our Constitution. I guarantee you that those who survived the oppression of WW2 will NEVER take freedom for granted ever again.
Tomorrow - the views of being a "nanny" state from someone who is a 99-er (collecting Unemployment Benefits - and ashamed that I had to - for 99 weeks). I am thankful, yet disillusioned that it has come to that. More tomorrow.
Think about it . . .
Yogi: 10/8/2010 5:50PM
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