Monday, September 6, 2010

Today's QOTD: September 6, 2010

 “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” - Albert Einstein

Ok - this is an obvious choice for me (or so I believe).  Before I get into my experience with the QOTD, let's look back at history (if we do not learn from history, we are destined to repeat it) and take (for example) the Space Race of the late 1950's: the USSR was the first to place a satellite in orbit around earth (Sputnik - 1957), and the first to place a man in space (Yuri Gargarin - 4/12/61).  We as American's in 1957 amd 1958 tried and tried just to get a rocket to fly correctly once it took off.  Failure after failure, yet we continued to try.  Insanity?  Who made the first Moon walk (and the only Country to do so thus far)?  We built rockets over and over again, and even lost the Apollo I team in a flash fire during a dress rehearsal in 1967 (1/27/1967), but each time we got better.  Consider WW2 and the strategies of the Allies: we continually hammered away at the Axis Alliance until the war was finally over in both theatres by the end of August 1945.  Doing the same thing over and over?  Insanity?  You make the call.  Even Albert Einstein on his "then controversial" Theory of Relativity (e=mc²) - it took years to finally prove him correct, but the same thing was done over and over again.

Now to my experience:  I began walking on July 14th, and have since walked 5 days a week, every week - gradually (depends on your definition of "gradually") building my laps from 4 per day (2 miles) to 14 per day (7 miles) in less than a month and a half.  Now, I also learned to eat the same foods day in and day out: those that produce energy, they're high in fiber, low in sodium and high in protein, and I rarely go over 1,000 calories, yet feel full.  Why do I do this every day?  Because I expect different results from when I was 260 pounds on 7/14/2010 and stuffing my face due to stress.  Those who know me know that I have been unemployed since March 21, 2008.  After 14,000 plus resumes sent out and ONLY 6 face-to-face interviews (and losing $425,000 in 2 years), I could either have a "pity party," or reinvent myself (believe me - I had a 6 month "pity party" before February of this year).  I reinvented myself on February 24th with Team National (actually my wife's business - I work it for her for free), and the rest is history.  Am I a changed man?  Yes!  Am I doing the same thing over and over again?  YES - both with walking and working Team National!  Am I insane?  You be the judge - however, I haven't felt this good in over 12 years, wtih NO STRESS! (Things haven't changed much, but how I treat my body and my brain HAS changed)  I have my health back, God and I talk every day, I still work with "my boys" in the BSA (just celebrated my 21st Anniversary as a Leader - as has Jill), and I feel as if I AM contributing to society and helping other people become successful.  I am also VERY MUCH in LOVE with the LOVE OF MY LIFE!  She has been a Godsend to me, and we celebrate the 32nd Anniversary of the night we met on October 19th (Oct. 19, 1978 at 9:12PM).  There has NEVER been anyone since, and there will never be anyone else!

So -  “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” - Albert Einstein:  If I am insane (and I believe Albert quoted this "tongue in cheek"), then so be it!  I feel very good being "insane!"  Maybe you should, too!

Think about it . . .

May "all your wildest dreams come true" (Pedro in "Napolean Dynamite"), and God Bless You!

Yogi:  9/6/2010  12:06PM CDT

1 comment:

  1. To my darling sweet hubby, you have been and still are the love of my life since 10/19/1978. I can only hope that we will grow very old and gray together and continue to enjoy each other's company and that our true love for each other continues until we both pass on to heavenly life. It would a Godsent if our love continues in life with the our heavenly Father. You have given me two absolutely two beautiful children which I adore and love beyond words. Our oldest son has given us a daughter-in-law and granddaughter that I love beyond any words could describe. May our heavenly Father look over all of our family members (immediate and extended) and also over all our beloved friends. I feel truly blessed everyday that I can get up in the morning and know that I am loved. Everyone that knows me, I am truly grateful for and I am grateful for those that I have not met. Everyone has a special place in my heart. Thank you to our heavenly Father for all that you do for me everyday. Have a joyuous day, every day! Love, Jill
