Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Today's QOTD: October 13, 2010

"Jobs that cannot be delivered must never be promised. It's unfair to raise people's hopes that way." - Bill O'Reilly, Host of the "O'Reilly Factor" (b. 1949)

Having been promised a position several times in the past 32 months, only to have it be cancelled because the position was eliminated, is very frustrating - to say the least.  I marvel at the statements made by our Politicians that the Stimulus has SAVED 3 million or so jobs.  If this is the case, then why does the Unemployment rate continue to stay above 9.5% - the longest consecutive "record" since The Great Depression?  And how many of us really believe that the 9.6% rate is the TRUE NUMBER?

I used Bill's quote today for one reason and one reason alone; he refuses to allow spin to be bloviated on his show on FNC.  Whether you like or respect Bill is the not the question here; it's whether you allow yourself to believe the political spin that is generated by both parties.

I grew up a Conservative from Conservative parents, being a card-carrying member of the Republican Party.  However, since 2008,  I have grown weary of the Campaign Strategies of the GOP, just as I have become tired of the Strategies of the Dems.  I am now an Independent.  We are in an age of "who can outdo the other," and the mud-slinging is worse this year than I have seen in my 52 years.  I became interested in Politics way back in the Johnson-Goldwater Campaign in 1964 (I was only 6 at the time), but my parents were fervent Goldwater supporters.  In 1968, in the midst of a very unpopular war (and right after the Tet Offensive on January 1, 1968), I became a supporter of Robert Kennedy, the only time I have really supported a Democrat for President.  Do I think that RFK would have been a great President and Leader?  If he was anything like his Brother, yes!  Unfortunately, we will never find out, so dwelling on it is counterproductive.  A part of my American Dream died when he died hours after being shot in LA on June 5, 1968, after an upset win in the California Primary.

From that point on, I supported Nixon, Ford, Reagan (both times), Bush, Perot, Dole, Bush (twice) and McCain.  I couldn't buy into the "Change" and "Hope" that President Obama was spreading across the Nation; perhaps it was my "show-me" mentality.  I'm still waiting for that "Hope and Change," but I respect and admire our President, although I am not a supporter of his policies.  His story is incredible, especially knowing what "Barry" came from.  If you have not read "Pinheads and Patriots" by O'Reilly yet, I suggest you do.  You will be very surprised of the admiration that Bill has for President Obama (see Chapters 2 and 3) with regards to how he got to where he is today, in view of all the speed bumps in the road.

However, this post is about jobs, and I believe that until Small Businesses are given true incentives to hire (we don't even know what our tax rates will be come January 1, 2011), the "True Unemployment Rate" will stay in the 18's or even inch higher.

Now more than ever, a reinvention of ourselves has to take place.  I have lost almost everything I had 3 years ago, and the bleeding is not over.  However, we placed belief in a company back in February that has "under promised and over delivered," and I believe that this will be the vehicle that will dig us out the one-mile hole we are mired in.  If you are still unemployed (and perhaps a member of the 99-er club: 99 weeks of Unemployment all used up), then take action for yourself and reinvent your career.  You can't mire yourself in self-pity (believe me, I did - and it was terrible).  Take control of your life now.  If you are interested in knowing what I did, email me at, and I will gladly share with you what Jill and I did beginning February 24, 2010.  I wouldn't tell you about this if I didn't care or didn't believe in the opportunity and experienced success first-hand.  But - don't fall for the promises of jobs until the Small Businesses (they comprise over 80% of the economy and jobs growth of the USA) have incentives to grow.  Right now, we our fighting wars with the Chamber of Commerce.  No joke!!!  Who do the Small Businesses have to turn to if the C of C is now attacked?  All you have to do is watch Bob Shieffer's interview with David Axelrod (this past Sunday), and you will find out all you need to know.  It is smear tactics that hurt future job growth, and it's done in the worst way!  I am absolutely appalled by that interview.

Think about it . . .

Yogi: 10/13/2010 8:13AM CDT

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