Monday, September 13, 2010

Today's QOTD: September 13, 2010

"I hated every minute of training, but I said, ''Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'' - Muhammad Ali

As I entered the sixth Decade of my life two years ago, I looked back at what made me successful as a person, from the prospective of three key aspects:  1).  a Christian  2).  a Family Man - Husband and Father of two great sons, and 3). a Businessman.  When I turned 50 in 2008, I was still working on the first two aspects, and had already been interrupted in the third earlier that year.  Today, that third aspect still eludes me, but Jill and I took charge of our lives back in February when we joined up as Independent Marketing Directors with Team National, a company that places my first two aspects in the exact same order.

I'd be lying if I didn't say that there are frustrating times, but my frustration is not with the company - for it has under promised and over delivered.  My frustration is with me and my lack of patience.  That's why this "dare" that I took on July 14th is SO IMPORTANT (when I was 260 pounds - remember, I'm only 5' 7" tall - with a blood pressure of 149/96 WITH BP meds, and a BMI Index of 40.0)!  I let stress get to me, and I was about to give up.  It wasn't until I felt the lowest in my life that I decided that no one but God and me can get me out of this, and the "dare" was born (with thanks to LeeAnn King for directing me to Lance Armstrong's website:  Now, walking 7 miles a day is routine - in fact, I make it a game each day!  I have met so many wonderful people during my walks, and have been inspired by the likes of Betty Hamilton, Judy, Jeff and a host of others.

"Never Give Up - Never Surrender" is the signature phrase of Captain Jason Nesmith (Tim Allen) in the cheesy movie "Galaxy Quest" (1999), but it serves a purpose today, for without that quote and others like it, I would have easily thrown in the towel on July 14th when I literally thought I was going to die after walking two miles: a measly TWO MILES!!!

Thanks "Champ" for those encouraging words!

Think about it . . .

Yogi:  9/13/2010  10:37AM CDT

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