Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Today's QOTD: September 14, 2010

"We can cure physical diesases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair, and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread, but there are many more dying for a little love." - Mother Teresa (1910-1997)

Having grown up in the 1960's and 1970's ("All You Need is Love"), we seemed to steer away from those thoughts in the 1980's - the "Me Generation."  As a young husband and father (Josh was born in 1982), I witnessed a lot of selfishness in personal relationships, business, and in general - how people conducted themselves.  Thankfully, the 1990's brought us back a little closer to what God intended, but here we are - right back in the "What's right for ME" world.

As an unemployed Conservative (but one who has many friends on the left and one who listens to AND considers ALL viewpoints), I see this played out in politics, on MSNBC, CNN, CNBC, the "Mainstream Media" of the 3 "Major" Networks, and even to a point on my network of choice:  FOXNews.  There's too much bickering between both sides:  the right blames the left and the left blames the right.  So - where's the mediation?  Who will come forward and unite the two parties so this ends before the damage is irreparable?  There are TOO MANY people in the USA suffering right now.  I am one of the lucky ones - sure, I'm not in the financial shape I was 3 years ago . . . not even close, but I have a family who loves me and I love and adore them, and would do ANYTHING to protect and NOT exploit them, so I consider myself "Rich."  It's not about ME, it's about US!

Washington, when are you going to wake up?  This is directed to my fellow Conservatives in Office (and those much further on the right) as well as those Liberals in Office (and those further on the left).  Come on people, our Nation is at stake here - and our future AS A NATION in is YOUR hands.  Don't SCARE US anymore; do what's right (whatever that might be) and become UNITED as ONE!  Our Founding Fathers expect no less, and neither do WE THE PEOPLE!

I spoken my piece and am stepping off my soapbox . . . I've just had it.

Think about it . . .

Yogi:  9/14/2010  11:25AM CDT (and 60 pounds lighter as of today!)

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